ICU is the symbol of a critical or intensive care unit or a special department of a hospital that provides the highest possible type of health care and usually has a nurse-to-patient ratio of 1:1. Intensive care beds are allocated ...
Pediatric emergency medicine is a subspecialty of both pediatrics and emergency medicine. This includes the care of undistinguished and unscheduled children with acute illnesses or injuries requiring immediate medical attention. Pediatric specialty is so sensitive so it requires more effort ...
MRCP is the symbol of the royal college of physicians in the United Kingdom, It is the professional establishment for internal physicians as it is completely responsible for the training of doctors after graduation, conduct the Royal College of Physicians’ ...
MRCPCH is the symbol of the royal college of paediatrics and child health in the United Kingdom; It is the professional establishment for pediatricians as it is completely responsible for the training of pediatricians after graduation, conduct the Royal College of ...
Dermatology is the branch of medicine that is concerned with the study of skin, mucous membranes, nails and hair pathological changes, and sexuality problems. Medicine made easy is a very successful large series of all branches of internal medicine and ...
Neuroanatomy is the part of the anatomy of the human body that is concerned with the study of the relationship between structure and function in the nervous system. The study of macroscopic and microscopic structures is included in neuroanatomy. Macroscopic structures, such as brain folds, are larger ...