أسئلة امتحان الخدمات الطبية للضباط المهنين دورة 18/3/2017 Medicine & Surgery

أسئلة امتحان الخدمات الطبية للضباط المهنين

دورة 18/3/2017

Medicine & Surgery

Medicine :

  1. drugs and antidotes are matched except à Methotrexate-pyridoxine
  2. One of these drugs Doesn’t cause ototoxicity à azithromycin
    *other options : gentamicin \ furosemide \ amikacin \  cisplatin
  3. Wrong about bronchiectasis >> bronchial constriction
  4. All are true about multiple myeloma excepts >> cause sclerotic bone lesion
    *other options : peak incidence at 6th decade \  cause amyloidosis
  5. Cause of pulmonary venous hypertension >> Mitral Stenosis
    * other options : Scleroderma \ COPD \ chronic P.E  \ Idiopathic pulmonary HTN
  6. Rheumatic fever commonly affect  >> Mitral valve & Aortic Valve
  7. All are causes of non cardiogenic pulmonary edema except  >> ………………..
    *options : Head trauma \ O2 poisoning  \ ketoacidosis \  paracetamol toxicity \ burn
  8. All of these cause increase in ESR except >>> Polycythemia rubravera
    * other options : R.A \ Bronchogenic Ca \ T.B \ multiple myeloma
  9. Cause of prolongation of Bleeding time >>>………………….
    * options : von Willebrand disease \ ascorbic acid deficiency \ hemophilia
  10. All causes right shift in hemoglobin dissociation curve except >>> Alkalosis
    *other options: Hypercarbonemia \ Low carboamino product \ hyperthermia \ increase in 2, 3 DPG
  11. Question about mycoplasma pneumonia >>> cause cold agglutinin disease
    *other options :  most common complication is plural effusion \ cause acute kidney injury
  12. All are signs of severe asthma except >>> pyrexia
    *other options : Use of accessory muscle \ retractions \ silent chest \ cyanosis

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Surgery :

  1. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a result of compression of >>> the median nerve
  2. nerve injury  In humerus fracture >>> à Radial nerve
  3. Most common site of Meckels diverticulum is >>> Ilium
  4. Initial reaction in hemostasis >>> Vasoconstriction
  5. First vital sign change in Hypovolemic shock >>> Pulse rate
  6. A 22 years old man with hernia , easily reducible … ets what type of hernia goes with
    spermatic cord <cant remember the exact  q >à Indirect inguinal hernia
    *other options : Direct Hernia \ Femoral Hernia
  7. Diaphragmatic innervation originate from root >>> C3 – C5
    * other options : C4 – C6 \ C1 – C5 … etc
  8. All these Dermatomes matched true except >>> Knee  L2- l3
    * others : bicep jerk C5 – C6 \ ankle jerk S1 – S2
  9. True about Tension pneumothorax >>> may be complicated by Pulseless Electrical Activity
    * other options : may present with Hypertension \ X ray must be done before ttt
  10. A burn victim presented with total burn in his rt. upper arm & half of his anterior trunk & one third of his rt. Lower limb , his TBSA is >>> 24
  11. Early sign of Cavernous sinus thrombosis >>> Proptosis
    options : Headache \ Fever \ Potosis\ophthalmoplegia
  12. All are true about hydatid cyst of liver except >>> adequate treatment done by percutaneous drainage
    * other options : cause anaphylaxis \ more in right lobe \ may cause cerebral presentation \ bone lesions indicate surgery
  13. Most common cause nipple discharge >>> intraductal papilloma
    *options : duct ectasia \ fibrocystic disease
  14. All suggestive acute un ruptured appendicitis except à……………
    *options : paraumbilical pain shifting to RLQ \ Rebound tenderness when palpate the RLQ \ anorexia \ Vomiting \ something about discomfort
  15. Most common cause of airway obstruction in comatose patient à………………..

*options : Apiration pneumonia \ accumulation of secretions \ tongue fall back \ foreign body aspiration


Gynecology :

  1. All are true about uterine leiomyomas except à It Is a malignant disease
  2. All are criteria of sever PET except  àelevated uric acid level
    *other options : oligouria \ diastolic bp>110 \ low plts
  3. Normal fetal heart rate at term à140-160 beat \ min
  4. All are causes of Small for gestational age except à Infant of Diabetic mother
  5. Most common cause of 1st Abortion à Chromosomal abnormalities
  6. All are adaptive physiological changes in preg. Except à increase in Central Venous Pressure 30%
    *other options : increase cardiac output 40% \ increase Heart rate 10 – 20 beats
  7. All are done in management og APH except à Vaginal exam
  8. First trim. US is informative for all of the following except à Placenta previa
    * others : diagnosis of ectopic \ estimation of gestational age \ confirm multiple preg. \ confirm Viability .
  9. Wrong about Vomiting in pregnancy à commonest in third trimester
    *other options : more in GTDs \ More in twin preg. … etc
  10. All these drugs cross the placenta except à Heparin
    * other options : penicillin \ Aspirin \ Warfarin \
  11. A woman took Rubella vaccine can get pregnant after à 3 months
  12. All are causes of Menorrhagia except à…………..
    * options : OCP \ PID \ Fibroids  \ adenomyosis \ Endometrial Hyperplasia

absolute indication of c/s à active genital herpes
*other options :  \ Face presentation \ pervious c\s due to failure to progress \ breech presentation


Pediatrics :

  1. All are criteria of APGAR score except à  Respiratory Rate .
  2. Measles is caused by àparamyxovirus
  3. What of the following is most common malapsorbed in Coeliac disease à Iron
    * other options : B12 \ vit. K \ Ca
  4. All are true about full term infant except à double his birth height at one year age
    * other options : have a birth weight of 3.5 kg \ have a height of 50 com \ have a head circumference of 35 cm \ double his birth weight at 5 months old .
  5. All are live attenuated vaccine except àdiphtheria
    * other options : oral polio \ Measles \ BCG
  6. A child of 2 years old can à make a two words sentence
    * other options : skip and hop \ draw a square \ Use fork and knife
  7. Minimal oral fluid intake for a 6 months old baby mildly dehydrated  à 150 ml \ kg\ day
  8. All are signs of rickets in infancy except à Early closure of anterior fontanels
  9. One true about TOF à Wide Split S2
    * Other options : pulmonary stenosis, narrowing of valve \  Never cause convulsions \ ma not present within the first few months of birth

True about pyloric stenosis à…………….
*options : autosomal dominant \  present with vomiting at first week of birth \ projectile bilious vomiting  \  palpable abd. Tumor is always present

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