Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 7th Edition PDF is a comprehensive guide for formatting, structuring, and citing academic works in the social and behavioral sciences. These guidelines are intended to assist authors in producing writing that adheres to ...

The highly regarded and thorough textbook “Orthodontics: Current Techniques and Principles,” currently in its 7th edition, is an essential tool for orthodontists, dental professionals, and orthodontic students. This most recent version, which was written by renowned authorities Lee W. Graber, ...

Steinert’s Cataract Surgery 4th Edition PDF is a thorough and reliable textbook that is a vital tool for ophthalmologists and cataract surgeons. This fourth edition, written by eminent expert Dr. David F. Chang, offers a current and comprehensive examination of ...

The comprehensive and innovative textbook “Foundations of InterProfessional Health Education PDF” examines the essential ideas, principles, and methods underlying interprofessional education in the healthcare industry. This book, written by Jill Thistlethwaite, Paul A. Lattanzi, and Cindy E. Horsley, is a ...

Cellular physiology and metabolism of physical exercise 2nd edition PDF is a thorough and modern textbook that explores the intricate details of cellular and molecular reactions to physical exercise written by Mordecai P. Blaustein, Joseph P. Y. Kao, and Donald ...

Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 10th Edition PDF is a widely used and highly respected textbook in the field of pathology. The 10th edition of this comprehensive textbook was published in 2021 and features the latest advances in ...

A special study tool created for medical students and professionals who want to understand and memorize the key ideas of pathology is Robbins and Cotran Pathology Flash Cards 2nd Edition PDF. Drs. Edward Klatt and Richard Mitchell, two well-known pathologists ...

Pathophysiology of Heart Disease 7th Edition PDF is a thorough reference book that covers the main ideas of cardiology. It is written by Leonard S. Lilly, MD, a renowned authority in cardiovascular medicine and a Professor of Medicine at Harvard ...

Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine 9th Edition PDF is a well-known and widely used textbook in the field of emergency medicine. Judith E. Tintinalli, O. John Ma, Donald M. Yealy, Garth D. Meckler, J. Stephan Stapczynski, David M. Cline, and Stephen H. ...

With 15 of couples having trouble getting pregnant, infertility is a serious issue that affects couples all over the world. Both male and female factors can contribute to infertility, with male infertility accounting for approximately half of all occurrences.  The ...

For clinicians and other medical professionals, Practical Urology Comprehensive Review PDF  is the go-to resource book that offers a thorough and useful review of urology. This book, written by top authorities in the field, seeks to give readers the knowledge ...

An important and thorough resource for the study of family medicine is the book Primary Care Sixth Edition PDF, which is currently in its sixth edition. This influential text, written by top authorities in primary care, gives healthcare practitioners the ...

For medical professionals interested in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney illnesses, the Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology 7th Edition PDF is a foundational work that serves as an authoritative reference manual. With chapters on renal anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and clinical application, ...

Robbins and Kumar Basic Pathology 11th Edition PDF is a renowned textbook for medical students and professionals who want to learn the fundamental concepts of pathology, provides comprehensive coursework and exam preparation while covering all important concepts in both organ ...

Deep learning has emerged as a strong technique in cancer diagnoses, allowing relevant patterns and characteristics to be extracted from complex medical data. This paper focuses on the use of feature-based transfer learning in deep learning models for cancer detection. ...