Physiology MCQ of Body Fluids >> please support this website by 1 $>> Comparedto the intracellular fluid, the extracellular fluid has a high concentration of: a)Protein b)Phosphate c)Calcium d)Magnesium e)Potassium Oedemais due to low colloid osmotic pressure of plasma and is caused by: a)HeartFailure b)ArteriolarDilation c)LiverDisease d)VenousObstruction e)Inflammation Drinkingone liter of pure water is expected to: a)Inducea greater increase in volume of ECF than ICF b)Inducea greater decrease in osmolarity of ECF than ICF c)Inducean increase in urine flow d)Inducea greater increase in volume of plasma than interstitial fluid e)Inducea greater deacrease in osmolarity of plasma than interstitial fluid TheInterstitial Fluid: a)Canbe measured using insulin b)Islower in volume than plasma c)Hasa higher sodium concentration than plasma d)Hasthe same protein concentration as plasma ...