Dermatology Medicine is an important branch of medicine concerned with skincare and diseases. It is a large wide-field, as a student or a specialist, you need an integrated easy, full resource for studying and rapid recall of information. Review of dermatology ...

About PLAB 1 Exam: Do I need to take the PLAB test?  If you graduated from a medical institution outside of the UK, EEA, or Switzerland, you want to take the PLAB test or achieve a recognized postgraduate qualification. Suppose ...

PLAB 1 is a licensing exam taken by international medical graduates (IMGs) who want to work in medicine in the United Kingdom. It is also the chief route of entry into U.K medicine. For implying qualified to take PLAB 1, ...

About Memorizing Medicine a Revision Guide Second Edition: This ebook delivers a different approach to ‘discovering medicine’ in a manner that places the main emphasis on recall. Drawing upon well-established psychological principles, it utilizes a wide range of tactics to ...